
The Library is as old as the Club. From a mere 500 books in the 30s the number of books in the Library has increased to approx. 35000. About 1100 – 1200 books are added every year. In addition, the library provides to its members 24 Indian periodicals ,6 foreign periodicals and 15 Newspapers. The Library consists of an adult reading room, children room and a cyber centre with photocopying and printing facility.
A member may reserve only one book at a time if it is issued to another member.
Monday To Saturday
Morning Time: 10 AM To 1 PM
Evening Time: 4 PM To 8 PM
Sunday & Gazette Holidays
11 AM To 3:00 PM
Monday To Sunday Gazetted Holidays
09:30 AM To 09:00 PM
Cyber Centre:
Monday To Sunday Gazetted Holidays
10.00 AM To 8.30 PM
Closed on all National Holidays
WINTER TIMINGS ( 1st November to 31st March)
Monday To Saturday
Morning Time: 10.30 AM To 1.30 PM
Evening Time: 3 PM To 07:30 PM
Sunday & Gazetted Holidays
Main Reading room:
Monday to Sunday
10.00 AM To 8.30 PM
Closed Holidays
4.30 PM To 8.30 PM
Children’s Reading Room & Cyber Centre:
Monday to Sunday & Gazetted Holidays
10.00 AM To 8.30 PM
Closed Holidays:
4.30 PM To 8.30 PM
The Library is as old as the Club. From a mere 500 books in the 30s the number of books in the Library has increased to approx 35000. About 1100 – 1200 books are added every year. In addition, the library provides to its members 85 newspapers and periodicals published both in India and abroad. Out of these 53 periodicals are Indian , 13 foreign and the remaining are the newspapers. The Library consists of an adult reading room, children room and a cyber center. The minimum Charges for use of cyber centre are Rs.15 per half an hour or less. The members are also provided with Photocopying facility from 9.30am to 9.00pm every day.
The Library is fully computerized. One member including the green card holders and Lady Subscriber are entitled for issue of 6 books at any one time for a period of 15 days. If any one these books is not demanded by any other member it can be renewed for additional period of 15days. If the book is not returned during this period a member is levied a fine of Rs.2 /- per day upto a period of 60 days after which the member is required to pay the cost of the book in addition to the penalty as stated above. If the member reports the loss of the book on or before the due date he shall be liable for the cost of replacement of book. Passing of the books to other members is not permitted.
A member may reserve one book at any one time either by sending a written request to the librarian giving the name and author of the book or by writing in a register kept in the library for the purpose.